Saturday, November 18, 2006

Ready for the Wii

Let's start things off with yet another sketch.

Samus in her Zero Suit as part of a request from my good friend, Alex Ahad. In the middle of inking this now so she'll be ready soon, folks.

After hearing about the ruckus from all week about the PS3 and the craziness that followed, it makes me glad that I had my Wii reserved. I'll be catching the midnight sale tonight. Later.


  1. ohoh sexy cute Samus thanks for the pic man ;;D;;bbb i like how it came out- shoudl try digitally inking it yuss :9

    ohohoh awesoem getting it at midnight-- the Best Buy here only sells it at opening hours so i'll see whats its like in the morning

  2. Thanks. And yes, I am digitally inking this in Photoshop.

  3. Yeah, i seen people set up tents near the wal-mart the day before the ps3, sick man sick.

  4. Yes, Samus looks great! Can't wait for the Metroid game to come out. Regrettably, people were camping out for both Wii and PS3... no Einstein to figure out which one sold out first.

    Apologies for not conversing with you Friday, thanks to Wal-Mart another horrible tradition of consumerism has begun. With people not understanding why stores don't have Wii and PS3 Fairies to restock them.

    Oh, well, at least we got ours at midnight and were ready to play.. now if I can just acquire WiFi...
